Start analyzing the data that your business activity already generates. Increase your profits with the power of Big Data.
We provide enterprises with a swarm of data scientists and engineers willing to take part in new projects. On the other hand, we provide developers with a platform full of opportunities to grow.
You can take part in part in projects from all around the world. Forget about the hassle of having to commute every day to an office.
We shape our Minimum Viable Product, mature our bussiness model and identify a concrete set of pilot users. After forming a solid team and making a global planning we set everything in motion.
We will develop working prototypes of the core cases of our Minimum Viable Product so we can have the first impressions of our pilot users.
We will develop a fully functional Minimum Viable Product, taking into consideration the feedback gathered from our pilot users.
This will be our last sprint. We will deliver a polished version of the Minimum Viable Product.
We will deploy a final version of our project, launch an advertisement campaign and organising the public event in which we will present our application.
These weeks are devoted to working on a business plan that is expected to help monetise the project.
A event will be held to present many applications in which is expected the participation of companies, investors, professors and students.
Operations and Back-End
We are students of Software Engineering in the University of Seville.